Spinning Boris

If it hadn’t really happened, no one would believe it. This is the improbable but true story of three Americans hired against all odds to convince the Russian people to denounce Communism.
TV Movie
Original Air Date
- Jeff Goldblum
- Anthony LaPaglia
- Live Schreiber
- Boris Kntonog
- Svetlana Efemova
- Shauna MacDonald
- Gregory Hlady
This is George Gorton. Calling from Moscow, Russia. June 16, 1996. The reason I’m calling is, I may be killed today, or disappear. In which case I want the police to know what happened. The call is frantic—and dead serious. Sometimes there’s a solid reason for being paranoid. For American campaign manager, George Gorton (Oscar nominee Jeff Goldblum, Jurassic Park), it begins eight months earlier when he and his partners, Joe Shumate (Emmy and Golden Globe nominee Liev Schreiber, The Sunshine Boys, Scream) and Dick Dresner (Emmy nominee Anthony LaPaglia, Lantana), receive an irresistible opportunity to spearhead the first free election in Russian history—and bring Boris Yeltsin to victory. Up for the challenge, they’re transported to Russia and given total VIP treatment. However, this once-in-a-lifetime gig is already arousing suspicions among Gorton, Shumate, and Dresner, because it comes with the most curious—and somewhat impossible—caveats.