Our House

A woman realizes that it’s never too late to discover new options in life and to make the choice to change.
TV Movie
Original Air Date
- Doris Roberts
- Judy Reyes
- Jim Cody Williams
- Stacy Solodkin
- E.J. Callahan
- Deborah Van Valkenburgh
- Omar J. Dorsey
Seventy-year-old Beverly Hills widow Ruth Galloway (Emmy winner Doris Roberts, Everybody Loves Raymond) has been simply marking time since her beloved husband Martin died, just three years shy of their fiftieth wedding anniversary. She spends her days reminiscing and tending to her roses, while her son Paul (Jeff Marcus, Just Like Heaven), estranged from his father for years, tries to keep his mother active and positive. But her daughter Geena (Ann Magnuson, Panic Room), an attorney with little time for anyone but herself, thinks it’s time for mom to be put in a facility where someone can keep an eye on her. Then one night a tragedy is narrowly averted when Billy (Judy Reyes, Scrubs), a homeless woman, saves Ruth’s life. Neither woman can imagine where that night is going to take them.