More Than Meets the Eye: The Joan Brock Story

The inspiring true story of a woman who, in the darkness of life’s most daunting challenges, found a ray of hope and the dream to let it shine.
TV Movie
Original Air Date
- Carey Lowell
- Rod Wilson
- Dylan Walsh
- Jennifer Pisana
- Karen LeBlanc
- Spencer Duncanson
- Jennifer Wigmore
I am an ordinary woman to whom extraordinary things happened. Joan Berenger (Carey Lowell, Licence to Kill), leads a fulfilling life as wife to her devoted husband Joe (Rod Wilson, Street Time), mother to her brilliant young daughter Joy (Jennifer Pisana, Homeless to Harvard), and counselor for blind children at the Iowa Braille and Sight Saving School. She’s truly blessed—especially with the gift for giving emotionally troubled students the courage to live beyond their limitations. But Joan’s deeply rooted faith is put to the test when she is afflicted, literally overnight, with a rare form of macular degeneration—a disease that robs her of her own eyesight within three weeks of her diagnosis. Just as she finds the strength to practice the courage that she teaches, Joan loses her beloved husband to cancer.